Summer 2002
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Boys all set for swimming lessons!

Josiah, Margaret Parker with Anna and Joshi in June at Opusztazer, a National Park near Szeged.

Boys on statues of people bending down into wheat at Opusztazer, in June.

Anna riding a motocycle in July at the zoo in Debrecen, northern Hungary.

Boys driving at the same little course in the Debrecen zoo.

Norbi and kids with his grandfather, whom we were visitng in Debrecen - and a horsie.

Now, which one is the donkey, and which are our kids?

Rachel and Anna at the Debrecen zoo, July 2002.

Norbi and Anna on a train ride at the zoo.

Nagyapa, or Béla Lakatos and his wife, Edit, July 2002.

Boys being very silly on the zoo train.

Norbi's dad, Béla, with his wife Marika and daughter Niki. At their home in Szolnok, Hungary - on our way back from Debrecen in July.

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